Fallout new vegas wont open
Fallout new vegas wont open

fallout new vegas wont open fallout new vegas wont open

You could also try to play the game in admin mode. You could try playing in Compatibility Mode with a number of different OS, such as Vista Service Pack 2, Windows 8, and Windows 7.

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  • It is my conclusion that "Please note that the "unlock" command may not work on a very limited number of locks, safes and/or terminals" was said by someone who didn't know about the mouse wheel trick. I can foresee how it would happen if the object had a script on it that had some manner of failsafe that perpetually locked it until it was properly activated, but I don't think that the devs would think ahead to put an anti-cheat measure like that in since only a certain portion of the market has the capacity to use the Unlock console command. I have never seen or heard of a locked object that doesn't get unlocked by "Unlock". Static objects never have a Game ID, as they aren't necessary. The ID tag at the top of the screen doesn't just show the FormID, but the Game ID as well. You clicked on a misty effect mesh in the way of the terminal.Ī nifty obscure trick: use the mouse wheel to page through all objects that are under your mouse when you clicked. Kevin Jay Posts: 3431 Joined: Sun 4:29 am I used to run into the same problem in FO3 (I always got sick of trying to swim up to get to the guy in the front end of Rivet City, and that door liked to fail to select for me sometimes). Some are really fussy about where exactly you click, and you may need to close the console, back up or move sideways a couple steps then reopen it and try clicking again. What that "" means without the terminal/safe labeled is that the game did not recognize your click as being on the terminal or safe itself, rather it saw you click on something in front of or behind it. I just had the bad luck to try it for the first time on one of those. I guess the schoolhouse is one of the 'very limited number of locks, safes and/or terminals' that it doesn't work on. So I tried this on another terminal, the name of the terminal appeared in the quotes and the unlock worked fine. I did click on it, but I noticed it did not have a name (showed "" 0019ae78 in the console).

    Fallout new vegas wont open